Wedding Ministry - Myrna Martinez is the new wedding coordinator and is working with Fr. Ron to follow church and diocesan guidelines
Marriage Preparation - A new marriage preparation program, Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET) is currently being implemented to standardize all Vallejo & Benicia Parishes
Baptism Preparation - Just like all Sacramental celebrations/rites, changes are being implemented to be in line with standard practices
Couples for Christ - The blood drive was very successful. Blood Center of the Pacific was able to acquire 40 blood units from last Sunday’s blood drive
Foundation for Family & Life - Life in Christ Seminar was presented on July 25th. There were about 21 attendants from parish ministry leadership and their members. Next month an invitation will be extended to all parishioners
Eucharistic Ministry for the Sick - A new care home will be serviced by this ministry
Finger Printing - On Sept 2, those who have not been fingerprinted and work with youth/children, need to fulfill this requirement.
St. Basil to host the 3rd Novena and Mass celebration for San Lorenzo Ruiz, the 1st Filipino saint. It will be on Sept 5th, Saturday. Novena starts at 4:30 PM culminating in the 5:30 PM mass. The actual feast is on Sept 12th and will be celebrated at St. Catherine of Sienna Church
Spanish Radio Station – In the near future a Spanish-language radio station will be established in a Vallejo Church but not at St. Basil church
Incident Reports - In the event that there is an accident, emergency call or other incidents that may incur liability for the parish, we are to fill out an Incident Report and submit it to the parish center. The forms are kept in the defibrillator cabinet in the Monsignor Byrne room
The next meeting of the Parish Ministry Team is scheduled for September 17th at 7pm. The
Parish Ministry Team meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month.