The goal of the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest is to give students an opportunity to define the role of a Catholic citizen in many different scenarios, and to strengthen the bond between the Knights of Columbus and local schools.
This year’s theme is “The Importance of Religious Freedom.”
Contest open to all 8
th, 9
th, 10
th, 11
th, and 12
th grade Catholic students.
Essays must be typed and be between 500 and 750 words in length.
Contest Start date: September 14, 2015 - Contest End date: October 14, 2015.
Judges will be selected by the sponsoring Knights of Columbus. K of C members, teachers, clergy, and/or members of the community may serve as judges.
Essays will be judged on a Content, Grammar, and Style.
Awards at December 5
th Pasta Dinner.
Certificates for first, second and third place winners, and certificates of participation for all entrants
Monetary award/savings bond: SBS first place $50, second and third place $25
A plaque will be presented to SBS.