Knights of Columbus
Vallejo Council 874 & MGT Assembly 2548 GOLF TOURNAMENT
Where: Blue Rock Springs G.C. (EAST), Vallejo, CA
When: Saturday, August 13, 2016
Time: Check-In time: 7:00 AM First tee time: 8:00 AM
Format: Individual Stroke Tournament, System 36 Handicapping will be used.
Cost: $100.00 (Includes Green Fee, Cart, Lunch and Prizes)
Prizes: Low Gross, 2 Flight Winners & Runners-up, Closest
To the Pin on all par 3’s and Longest Drive
Awards Lunch will be at Christopher Hall, 535 Florida St., Vallejo
Alex Ragonton 707-567-1791 Numer Tamoro 707-208-8582
Mel David 707-319-9674 Billy Lintag 707-319-8437
Hermie Sunga 707-246-9934 Paul Tamoro 707-334-7364
Click here to view an Entry Form.